Sunday, April 27, 2008

Why "Macho's Mummy"?

Ok, ok, so answer to another of my own question - Why do I named myself Macho's mummy? (By the way, I love asking questions; both to myself and to other poor souls out there)

Macho's mummy reveals I am already a mother. My son, is the cutest and most manly wee boy in the world; ok, at least in Dunedin.. fine, at least in MY eyes. I got him real easy, although before I decided to have him, I considered for a very long time whether if I would be able to handle the high responsibility, if he's going to be good boy etc etc

I made my final decision and have never regretted ever since. He's given me loads of happiness eversince I have him. Like every other mother, I am proud of him and would sacrifice lots for him. Even better, I didnt have to wait for nine long months before I first see his little face. I didnt have to feed myself silly with health supplements, put on weight and thus lose my 'womanly' figure... Most importantly, I didnt have to suffer from pregnancy induced periodontal disease / gingival hyperplasia! (Wahaha~)

So how did I do it?

I paid NZD700.

He's a chihuahua. (Well, if you don't like chihuahua, there is poodle, bichon frise etc etc..not only that, can even choose color, long hair/short hair, big/small, male/female... BEFORE you pay)
Moral of the story = Money can't buy happiness; but with money, most of the times can indirectly get happiness as complimentary gift hehe.

My Blog was being suspected as a Spam blog @_@"'

Believe it or not, my first blogging attempt was being suspected as SPAM blog (!!!). Thought about it for a few days trying to figure out what is the true reason. Reasons ranging from maybe the site sends out such an email to every new blog to test the authenticity, because I have been inactive since day one (wahaha) - didn't even complete the profile section, a virus was sent into the system eversince I signed up, ALL the bloggers got virus sent to their computers the moment my blog was created......
Ok, me being me, my final answer to my own question is: it's because of my nick. Macho's mummy... ehehehe... maybe there's a hint of kinkiness (Ok, I even colored the name "yellow")?! Think about it carefully - First, macho; then mummy... hmmm~~~ an unlimited space for all you imaginative people out there.. Running wild now?